Official State of Rhode Island website

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State of Rhode Island, Office of Management and Budget , Department of Administration

Performance Management

The Office of Performance Management utilizes data to review and improve the efficiency and outcomes of state government programs. The Office works to improve government efficiency by streamlining processes, promoting innovation, and encouraging greater interagency cooperation.

One of its main functions, as authorized under Rhode Island General Laws, is to develop performance measures and provide periodic reports on program performance.

In addition, the Office seeks partnerships and performs data analysis and other research to inform data-driven budget and policy decisions.

Through LeanRI, the Office encourages the use of Lean to make state government more customer service-oriented, clear, and reliable for taxpayers. LeanRI coordinates statewide Lean activities across three main focus areas: training, projects, and leadership. 

Agency Performance

Agency Performance

The Office of Performance Management collects performance data and works with agencies to identify and carry out highly focused projects to help agencies achieve performance goals. As a part of this process, the Office publishes yearly performance measures within the state budget.

FY 2019 Performance Measures

Departments are required by Rhode Island General Laws to develop performance measures and provide data as part of the Governor's annual budget submission.

View Performance Reports »

Data-Driven Decisions

Data-Driven Decisions

The Office of Performance Management works with agencies and partners to develop more in depth reports that connect budget, staffing and performance data. As an example, the Office also works with the Pew-MacArthur Results First Initiative to develop benefit-cost analyses and reports.

The Results First effort includes the Office of Management and Budget, Department of Corrections, Department of Children, Youth and Families, the Judiciary, and other stakeholders. The interagency group is supported by a Results First advisory team, which provides technical and policy guidance in developing and implementing the cost-benefit model.

Results First uses an econometric model that analyzes the costs and benefits of potential investments in public programs. The model relies on the best available research on program effectiveness to predict the public safety and fiscal outcomes of each program in Rhode Island, based on the state's population characteristics and the cost to provide these programs.

As part of Results First effort, the interagency team is undertaking the following:

  • Develop an inventory of the state's evidence-based programs to reduce recidivism
  • Estimate the cost of different types of crime - including costs to taxpayers and costs to society
  • Analyze criminal justice data to determine current recidivism rates; and
  • Assess the cost-effectiveness of existing programs and make recommendations to maximize state resources to reduce recidivism

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Why LeanRI?

State employees spend much of their time tackling urgent issues, leaving little opportunity to reflect on processes, identify problems, experiment with solutions, and implement changes to improve workflow.  State employees, from the front line to upper management, need the tools and resources to think strategically and make state government more customer service-oriented, clear, and reliable for taxpayers.  One such tool is Lean, which is a proven business process improvement method that leads to the elimination of waste, added value, and a culture of continuous improvement. 

On April 9th, 2015, Governor Gina M. Raimondo issued Executive Order 15-09, which directs state agencies to use Lean tools to improve processes and focus on value-added activities.

LeanRI Initiatives

LeanRI coordinates statewide Lean activities across three main focus areas: training, projects, and leadership. 

Training: LeanRI has provided Lean 101 training for over 2800 state employees since 2015.  LeanRI also provides Advanced Training to Lean practitioners in the state to grow their skills.

Projects: State agencies have conducted over 100 Lean projects since 2015.  LeanRI connects project teams with the resources to successfully lead process improvements at their agencies.

Leadership: The Lean Steering Committee, made up of leaders from state government and the private sector, use their expertise provide guidance and direction to LeanRI.  Additionally, each agency has Lean Ambassadors, who are state employees trained in Lean who coordinate projects and training at their agencies.  Lean leaders at all levels create a culture of process improvement in state government.

For more information about LeanRI, contact the Statewide Lean Coordinator, Alex Stine, at 401-574-8471 or

State of Rhode Island

Office of Management and Budget

Department of Administration

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