FY 2016 Interactive Budget


Bold Action to Create Opportunities so Hardworking People Can Make it in Rhode Island

Governor Gina M. Raimondo's Fiscal Year 2016 budget is a forward-looking, balanced budget proposal rooted in the belief that every hardworking person deserves the chance to make it in Rhode Island. Her budget offers significant investments in growth and no broad-based tax increases despite closing an inherited $190 million deficit.

"If we rebuild this economy and create middle class jobs for Rhode Island families, everything is possible. And if we don't, nothing else will matter. The brutal reality is that our economic engine has run out of gas, and we have been in decline. Now is the time to spark our comeback."

For the first time, you can view the details of the budget proposal via an online tool at Openbudget.ri.gov. The budget tool offers clear charts and resources for understanding how the budget is structured. You can view the budget from different levels to explore how much of the budget will be directed towards a specific government function, agency or program. Check it out here.

Governor Gina M. Raimondo

Changes in Budgeting Practices and Presentation

The budget presentation for the FY 2016 budget submission has been changed and will now be presented by Functional Unit. As a result the Budget will be broken down into 4 volumes:

  • Volume I - General Government, Quasi-Public Agencies and Component Units
  • Volume II - Human Services
  • Volume III - Education
  • Volume IV - Public Safety, Natural Resources and Transportation

In additional, many of the documents have been moved to other documents to more effectively present the data to the reader.

FY 2016 Budget

General Government

Health and Human Services


Public Safety

Natural Resources

